Thursday, June 30, 2016

Federal regulation of Internet coming, warn FCC, FEC commissioners

Federal regulation of Internet coming, warn FCC, FEC commissioners: Democrats targeting content and control of the Internet, especially from conservative sources, are pushing hard to layer on new regulations and even censorship under the guise of promoting diversity while policing bullying, warn commissioners from the Federal Communications Commission and Federal Election Commission.
“Protecting freedom on the Internet is just one vote away,” said Lee E. Goodman, a commissioner on the FEC which is divided three Democrats to three Republicans. “There is a cloud over your free speech.”
Freedom of speech on the Internet, added Ajit Pai, commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission, “is increasingly under threat.”
Pai and Goodman cited political correctness campaigns by Democrats as a threat. Both also said their agencies are becoming politicized and the liberals are using their power to push regulations that impact business and conservative outlets and voices.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

'I think we're going to win!' Trump fires up crowd during Valley visit

'I think we're going to win!' Trump fires up crowd during Valley visit: Thousands of people braved the heat Saturday and made their way to Veterans Memorial Coliseum to attend the campaign rally for  presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Mexican Protester Refuses To Wear American Flag, Instead Wears Mexican Flag

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Homeland floats ‘national security’ as excuse to take guns

Homeland floats ‘national security’ as excuse to take guns

Ryan Furious After Primary Challenger Takes Off Gloves… “Ryan’s Drug Problem”

Ryan Furious After Primary Challenger Takes Off Gloves… “Ryan’s Drug Problem”: Read Full Article Here

POLL: Do you agree with Trump that US Mosques need increased surveillance?

POLL: Do you agree with Trump that US Mosques need increased surveillance?: Poll Context:  In the light of the recent Islamic terrorist attacks, Donald Trump had reaffirmed his commitment to a hold on Muslims entering the country and increased surveillance of Mosques in the United States.

WikiLeaks Says It Will Publish More Hillary Clinton Emails

WikiLeaks Says It Will Publish More Hillary Clinton Emails: From Time The issue has dogged Clinton during her campaigning for the Democratic nomination Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says that the whistleblower organization will publish more emails Hillar…

Friday, June 3, 2016

Arrest, And Deport Criminal Immigrant Thugs::Police Officer Assaulted, Punches Thrown After San Jose Trump Rally

Police Officer Assaulted, Punches Thrown After San Jose Trump Rally: Donlad Trump protesters blocked traffic and scuffled with Trump supporters after the presidential candidate's rally in San Jose Thursday night.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Census: Illegal immigration up 57% to 550,000, one new Albuquerque A YEAR

Census: Illegal immigration up 57% to 550,000, one new Albuquerque A YEAR: Illegal immigration has exploded 57 percent in less than two years, with at least 550,000 new undocumented aliens pouring into America in a trend that is set to continue growing, according to new Census data.
In an analysis of the numbers, the Center for Immigration Studies found illegal and legal immigration have reached over 1.5 million a year, a new 15 year high, and a 39 percent increase over 2013.
You're looking at a big jump, said author Steven A. Camarota in an interview with Secrets.

1,037 Syrian Refugees Admitted in May: Two Christians, 1,035 Muslims

1,037 Syrian Refugees Admitted in May: Two Christians, 1,035 Muslims: The number of Syrian refugees admitted into the United States jumped to 1,037 during May – an increase of 130 percent over the previous month – but the proportion of Christians among them remains miniscule: two Christians (0.19 percent) compared to 1,035 Muslims.