Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Brought Here Because They Will Vote For Democrats, The Party Of Terrorists: Obama brings 1,500 terrorists to U.S.

Obama brings 1,500 terrorists to U.S.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

LIBERAL LIE: ‘Stopping Europe’s Refugee Flood Is Lack of Compassion’ – Here’s Reality

LIBERAL LIE: ‘Stopping Europe’s Refugee Flood Is Lack of Compassion’ – Here’s Reality

Dems Are Terrorist Sympathizer's: Dems Approve Obama ‘Peace’ Deal, Ayatollah releases THREATENING new video

Dems Approve Obama ‘Peace’ Deal, Ayatollah releases THREATENING new video

Al-Qaeda’s new leader calls on all Muslims, URGING lone wolf attacks in U.S. [Video]

Al-Qaeda’s new leader calls on all Muslims, URGING lone wolf attacks in U.S. [Video]

Four Troopers in Texas injured during stop; manhunt underway

Four Troopers in Texas injured during stop; manhunt underway

No time to wait! GOP, put heat on Congress

No time to wait! GOP, put heat on Congress

Army Special Forces enraged over Obama attacks

Army Special Forces enraged over Obama attacks

Clinton Foundation illegally solicited tax-exempt donations

Clinton Foundation illegally solicited tax-exempt donations

THIS HUGE LIE: Is What’s Behind Most of the Modern World’s Worst Problems

THIS HUGE LIE: Is What’s Behind Most of the Modern World’s Worst Problems

MUSLIM GIVES $10M TO YALE: The Reason Why Will Make You Scream, ‘What The…

MUSLIM GIVES $10M TO YALE: The Reason Why Will Make You Scream, ‘What The…

Sunday, September 6, 2015

THEY SAW A COP AT STARBUCKS: So They Grabbed His Arm And Started Doing This

THEY SAW A COP AT STARBUCKS: So They Grabbed His Arm And Started Doing This

OBAMA LIES AGAIN: You Can Thank His Mentor, Saul Alinsky

OBAMA LIES AGAIN: You Can Thank His Mentor, Saul Alinsky

ALL LIVES MATTER: And It Starts In the Womb – Forward to #BlackLivesMatter

ALL LIVES MATTER: And It Starts In the Womb – Forward to #BlackLivesMatter

The law abider who sits in jail

The law abider who sits in jail

ILLEGAL ALIEN GANG-BANGERS: Did This To A 17yr. Old Virginia Kid

ILLEGAL ALIEN GANG-BANGERS: Did This To A 17yr. Old Virginia Kid

THESE CRIMINAL LEFTISTS: Go Free While Kim Davis Is Put In Jail

THESE CRIMINAL LEFTISTS: Go Free While Kim Davis Is Put In Jail

ISLAM ANALYST: Liberals Ignore Reality In Order To Prop Up Their Version Of Islam!

ISLAM ANALYST: Liberals Ignore Reality In Order To Prop Up Their Version Of Islam!

ISLAMIC STATE: Forces Christians To Sign This Contract…

ISLAMIC STATE: Forces Christians To Sign This Contract…



WHAT THIS TEEN DID: While Deputy Pumped Gas… Is Going VIRAL

WHAT THIS TEEN DID: While Deputy Pumped Gas… Is Going VIRAL

LIBERAL WOMEN: Replace JESUS’ Name In Chorus With This NASTY Politician

LIBERAL WOMEN: Replace JESUS’ Name In Chorus With This NASTY Politician

BERNIE SANDERS’ SOCIALIST UTOPIA: Runs Out of Food – Just Look At Venezuela

BERNIE SANDERS’ SOCIALIST UTOPIA: Runs Out of Food – Just Look At Venezuela

DEAR BLACK PASTORS: Tell The #BlackLivesMatter Lunatics To Chill Out

DEAR BLACK PASTORS: Tell The #BlackLivesMatter Lunatics To Chill Out

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

IF THE TEA PARTY: Hated Cops and White Devils, The Media Would Love Them

IF THE TEA PARTY: Hated Cops and White Devils, The Media Would Love Them

COMBAT VET: Vows To Stand With Police Against Cop Killing Black Thugs

COMBAT VET: Vows To Stand With Police Against Cop Killing Black Thugs

COMBAT VETERAN: BLASTS The #BlackLivesMatter Racists, ‘You’re The Problem!’

COMBAT VETERAN: BLASTS The #BlackLivesMatter Racists, ‘You’re The Problem!’

RELIGION OF PEACE: Muslim Woman Gets 100 Lashes for Adultery as Men Watch

RELIGION OF PEACE: Muslim Woman Gets 100 Lashes for Adultery as Men Watch

RONDA ROUSEY: Responds to a Marine Who Asked Her to be His Date (WATCH)

RONDA ROUSEY: Responds to a Marine Who Asked Her to be His Date (WATCH)

Nobel Winner to Obama on Global Warming: 'Mr. President, You're Wrong'

Nobel Winner to Obama on Global Warming: 'Mr. President, You're Wrong'

Milwaukee's Sheriff Clarke: 'Stop Trying to Fix the Police -- Fix the Ghetto'

Milwaukee's Sheriff Clarke: 'Stop Trying to Fix the Police -- Fix the Ghetto'

Blue Lives Matter: WATCH: Police Union Chief: Cops Are Under Siege In America | 94.5 WPTI

WATCH: Police Union Chief: Cops Are Under Siege In America | 94.5 WPTI

Obama’s 2009 Executive Order, More Trouble For Hillary Looming …..

Obama’s 2009 Executive Order, More Trouble For Hillary Looming …..