Monday, August 31, 2015

• Sheriff David Clarke: Barack Obama Started This War On Police • Judge ...

Sunday, August 30, 2015

And the most judgmental people on Earth are …

And the most judgmental people on Earth are …

LOCK & LOAD: Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of Whites and Cops

LOCK & LOAD: Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of Whites and Cops

BRITISH SPY FOUND MURDERED: After He Hacked Into Data On Bill Clinton

BRITISH SPY FOUND MURDERED: After He Hacked Into Data On Bill Clinton

20 REASONS: Why Thomas Jefferson Would Have Hated Obama And Hillary

20 REASONS: Why Thomas Jefferson Would Have Hated Obama And Hillary

Kathleen Willey: Hillary ‘wrote the book on terrorizing women’

Kathleen Willey: Hillary ‘wrote the book on terrorizing women’

CARLY GETS CURBED: SHAMELESS Tactics By CNN Reveal the REAL “War on Women”

CARLY GETS CURBED: SHAMELESS Tactics By CNN Reveal the REAL “War on Women”

MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMBAT VET ASKS HISPANICS: ‘If You’re Not Proud Of America, Why Are You Here?’

MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMBAT VET ASKS HISPANICS: ‘If You’re Not Proud Of America, Why Are You Here?’

THE INVASION BEGINS: Obama Is Rolling Out the Red Carpet for Illegals

THE INVASION BEGINS: Obama Is Rolling Out the Red Carpet for Illegals

ALLEN WEST: Iran Is Giving America The Finger!

ALLEN WEST: Iran Is Giving America The Finger!

WINSTON CHURCHILL: Slams Islam (Now I Know Why Obama Doesn’t Like Churchill)

WINSTON CHURCHILL: Slams Islam (Now I Know Why Obama Doesn’t Like Churchill)

HERE’S THE BLACK IDIOT: Who Executed The White Deputy At A Gas Station In TX

HERE’S THE BLACK IDIOT: Who Executed The White Deputy At A Gas Station In TX

CONSPIRACY NUTS ARE SAYING: ‘Gay Black Man Didn’t Kill White Reporters On LiveTV’

CONSPIRACY NUTS ARE SAYING: ‘Gay Black Man Didn’t Kill White Reporters On LiveTV’

#COPSLIVESMATTER: (PICS) Massive Turn Out In TX Honoring The Deputy Executed By Black Man

#COPSLIVESMATTER: (PICS) Massive Turn Out In TX Honoring The Deputy Executed By Black Man

GAY BLACK DUDE: Kills Straight & White Journalists; Time To BAN GAY FLAG!

GAY BLACK DUDE: Kills Straight & White Journalists; Time To BAN GAY FLAG!

Disarm The Secret Service: SHERIFF CLARKE: Challenged Obama With Something That He Will Never Do

SHERIFF CLARKE: Challenged Obama With Something That He Will Never Do