Monday, June 29, 2015

The Land Of Fruit's And Nut's Never Cease's To Amaze: Californians Sign Petition To Ban American Flag | Truth Revolt

WATCH: Californians Sign Petition to Ban American Flag | Truth Revolt

Sunday, June 28, 2015

WHY TEXAS ROCKS: You Need to Read Gov. Abbott's Statement On Today's SCOTUS Ruling ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

WHY TEXAS ROCKS: You Need to Read Gov. Abbott's Statement On Today's SCOTUS Ruling ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

LIAR-IN-CHIEF: Obama on Gay Marriage, 'If You Like Your Religion, You Can Keep Your Religion' ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

LIAR-IN-CHIEF: Obama on Gay Marriage, 'If You Like Your Religion, You Can Keep Your Religion' ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

HERE'S THE NEXT STEP: Look Who Else Wants 'Rights' Now After Gays ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

HERE'S THE NEXT STEP: Look Who Else Wants 'Rights' Now After Gays ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

Lawmaker: Congress can halt same-sex ‘marriage’ in tracks

Lawmaker: Congress can halt same-sex ‘marriage’ in tracks

New movie takes on ‘gay’ stereotypes about Bible

New movie takes on ‘gay’ stereotypes about Bible

Israeli official: Obama’s got Muslim Daddy issues

Israeli official: Obama’s got Muslim Daddy issues

IS THIS RACISM: Black Teens Brutally Beat White Mom Making Her Drop Baby On Its Head ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

IS THIS RACISM: Black Teens Brutally Beat White Mom Making Her Drop Baby On Its Head ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

UNREAL: What Katie Pavlich Saw TSA Do To a Veteran Amputee Will Enrage You ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

UNREAL: What Katie Pavlich Saw TSA Do To a Veteran Amputee Will Enrage You ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

HERE WE GO: CNN's Toobin, 'Not Legal for Scalia to Talk About Gay People Like He Used To' ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

HERE WE GO: CNN's Toobin, 'Not Legal for Scalia to Talk About Gay People Like He Used To' ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

CHARLIE DANIELS: Slams Race-Baiters Trying to Ban the Confederate Flag In This Screed ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

CHARLIE DANIELS: Slams Race-Baiters Trying to Ban the Confederate Flag In This Screed ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Did ISIS give a clue about Jade Helm 15?

Did ISIS give a clue about Jade Helm 15?

Smoking-gun document said to prove Obama-Muslim Brotherhood ties

Smoking-gun document said to prove Obama-Muslim Brotherhood ties

President Obama Still Trying to Go it Alone on Gun Control

NRA-ILA | Rep. Steve Scalise Introduces Bill to Relax Restrictions on Interstate Firearm Sales

NRA-ILA | Rep. Steve Scalise Introduces Bill to Relax Restrictions on Interstate Firearm Sales

NRA-ILA | Legislation Proposes $60 Million for Anti-Gun Research

NRA-ILA | Legislation Proposes $60 Million for Anti-Gun Research

NRA-ILA | Obama's 'Unified Agenda' of Regulatory Objectives Causes Fear, Confusion

NRA-ILA | Obama's 'Unified Agenda' of Regulatory Objectives Causes Fear, Confusion

NRA-ILA | Fanciful 'Smart Gun' Bill Seeks to Make Law Out of Wishful Thinking

NRA-ILA | Fanciful 'Smart Gun' Bill Seeks to Make Law Out of Wishful Thinking

NRA-ILA | Elections Matter: Pro-Second Amendment House Stands Up for Your Rights in Funding Bill

NRA-ILA | Elections Matter: Pro-Second Amendment House Stands Up for Your Rights in Funding Bill

NRA-ILA | NRA-Backed Measures Aimed at Reversing Obama Administration's Implementation of Gun Control Through Executive Action

NRA-ILA | NRA-Backed Measures Aimed at Reversing Obama Administration's Implementation of Gun Control Through Executive Action

Constitution Violating Tyrant's Should Be Impeached: NRA-ILA | Stop Obama's Planned Gag Order on Firearm-Related Speech

NRA-ILA | Stop Obama's Planned Gag Order on Firearm-Related Speech

Sheriff Joe: Democrats using illegals for votes

Sheriff Joe: Democrats using illegals for votes