Sunday, May 31, 2015

Schlafly: Obama is ‘waging war on America’

Schlafly: Obama is ‘waging war on America’

Thursday, May 21, 2015

RINO Leadership, Are Accessories To The Murder Of Our Constitution, Freedom: Conservatives Blame GOP Leaders For Not Stopping ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’

Conservatives Blame GOP Leaders For Not Stopping ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’

Democrat's Waging War On God, Trying To Destroy Christianity: Cruz: Democrats' Devotion to ‘Gay Marriage … Trumps Any Allegiance to Religious Liberty’

Cruz: Democrats' Devotion to ‘Gay Marriage … Trumps Any Allegiance to Religious Liberty’

Dems Importing More Democrat Voter's, Trying To Gain A Permanent Liberal Governing Majority: U.S. 'Prepared to Play a Leading Role' in Absorbing Muslim Refugees From Burma

U.S. 'Prepared to Play a Leading Role' in Absorbing Muslim Refugees From Burma

Listen Up Liberals, McConaughey Trying To Educate You: McConaughey to Grads: ‘Life’s Not Fair, It Never Was, It Won’t Ever Be,’ Don’t Fall Into ‘Entitlement Trap’

McConaughey to Grads: ‘Life’s Not Fair, It Never Was, It Won’t Ever Be,’ Don’t Fall Into ‘Entitlement Trap’

Democrat's Can't Report Felon Immigrant's, Their Potential Voter's: Rep. Lofgren: Reporting ‘Serious Felon’ Illegals to Federal Authorities Now 'Entirely' Voluntary

Rep. Lofgren: Reporting ‘Serious Felon’ Illegals to Federal Authorities Now 'Entirely' Voluntary