Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Democrats, RINO's, And Muslims The Biggest Threat To America: Democrats think Christians bigger threat than Muslims

Democrats think Christians bigger threat than Muslims

Sunday, September 13, 2015

LIBERAL LIE: ‘Stopping Europe’s Refugee Flood Is Lack of Compassion’ – Here’s Reality

LIBERAL LIE: ‘Stopping Europe’s Refugee Flood Is Lack of Compassion’ – Here’s Reality

Dems Are Terrorist Sympathizer's: Dems Approve Obama ‘Peace’ Deal, Ayatollah releases THREATENING new video

Dems Approve Obama ‘Peace’ Deal, Ayatollah releases THREATENING new video

Al-Qaeda’s new leader calls on all Muslims, URGING lone wolf attacks in U.S. [Video]

Al-Qaeda’s new leader calls on all Muslims, URGING lone wolf attacks in U.S. [Video]

Four Troopers in Texas injured during stop; manhunt underway

Four Troopers in Texas injured during stop; manhunt underway

No time to wait! GOP, put heat on Congress

No time to wait! GOP, put heat on Congress

Army Special Forces enraged over Obama attacks

Army Special Forces enraged over Obama attacks

Clinton Foundation illegally solicited tax-exempt donations

Clinton Foundation illegally solicited tax-exempt donations

THIS HUGE LIE: Is What’s Behind Most of the Modern World’s Worst Problems

THIS HUGE LIE: Is What’s Behind Most of the Modern World’s Worst Problems

MUSLIM GIVES $10M TO YALE: The Reason Why Will Make You Scream, ‘What The…

MUSLIM GIVES $10M TO YALE: The Reason Why Will Make You Scream, ‘What The…

Sunday, September 6, 2015

THEY SAW A COP AT STARBUCKS: So They Grabbed His Arm And Started Doing This

THEY SAW A COP AT STARBUCKS: So They Grabbed His Arm And Started Doing This

OBAMA LIES AGAIN: You Can Thank His Mentor, Saul Alinsky

OBAMA LIES AGAIN: You Can Thank His Mentor, Saul Alinsky

ALL LIVES MATTER: And It Starts In the Womb – Forward to #BlackLivesMatter

ALL LIVES MATTER: And It Starts In the Womb – Forward to #BlackLivesMatter

The law abider who sits in jail

The law abider who sits in jail

ILLEGAL ALIEN GANG-BANGERS: Did This To A 17yr. Old Virginia Kid

ILLEGAL ALIEN GANG-BANGERS: Did This To A 17yr. Old Virginia Kid

THESE CRIMINAL LEFTISTS: Go Free While Kim Davis Is Put In Jail

THESE CRIMINAL LEFTISTS: Go Free While Kim Davis Is Put In Jail

ISLAM ANALYST: Liberals Ignore Reality In Order To Prop Up Their Version Of Islam!

ISLAM ANALYST: Liberals Ignore Reality In Order To Prop Up Their Version Of Islam!

ISLAMIC STATE: Forces Christians To Sign This Contract…

ISLAMIC STATE: Forces Christians To Sign This Contract…



WHAT THIS TEEN DID: While Deputy Pumped Gas… Is Going VIRAL

WHAT THIS TEEN DID: While Deputy Pumped Gas… Is Going VIRAL

LIBERAL WOMEN: Replace JESUS’ Name In Chorus With This NASTY Politician

LIBERAL WOMEN: Replace JESUS’ Name In Chorus With This NASTY Politician

BERNIE SANDERS’ SOCIALIST UTOPIA: Runs Out of Food – Just Look At Venezuela

BERNIE SANDERS’ SOCIALIST UTOPIA: Runs Out of Food – Just Look At Venezuela

DEAR BLACK PASTORS: Tell The #BlackLivesMatter Lunatics To Chill Out

DEAR BLACK PASTORS: Tell The #BlackLivesMatter Lunatics To Chill Out

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

IF THE TEA PARTY: Hated Cops and White Devils, The Media Would Love Them

IF THE TEA PARTY: Hated Cops and White Devils, The Media Would Love Them

COMBAT VET: Vows To Stand With Police Against Cop Killing Black Thugs

COMBAT VET: Vows To Stand With Police Against Cop Killing Black Thugs

COMBAT VETERAN: BLASTS The #BlackLivesMatter Racists, ‘You’re The Problem!’

COMBAT VETERAN: BLASTS The #BlackLivesMatter Racists, ‘You’re The Problem!’

RELIGION OF PEACE: Muslim Woman Gets 100 Lashes for Adultery as Men Watch

RELIGION OF PEACE: Muslim Woman Gets 100 Lashes for Adultery as Men Watch

RONDA ROUSEY: Responds to a Marine Who Asked Her to be His Date (WATCH)

RONDA ROUSEY: Responds to a Marine Who Asked Her to be His Date (WATCH)

Nobel Winner to Obama on Global Warming: 'Mr. President, You're Wrong'

Nobel Winner to Obama on Global Warming: 'Mr. President, You're Wrong'

Milwaukee's Sheriff Clarke: 'Stop Trying to Fix the Police -- Fix the Ghetto'

Milwaukee's Sheriff Clarke: 'Stop Trying to Fix the Police -- Fix the Ghetto'

Blue Lives Matter: WATCH: Police Union Chief: Cops Are Under Siege In America | 94.5 WPTI

WATCH: Police Union Chief: Cops Are Under Siege In America | 94.5 WPTI

Obama’s 2009 Executive Order, More Trouble For Hillary Looming …..

Obama’s 2009 Executive Order, More Trouble For Hillary Looming …..

Sunday, August 30, 2015

And the most judgmental people on Earth are …

And the most judgmental people on Earth are …

LOCK & LOAD: Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of Whites and Cops

LOCK & LOAD: Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of Whites and Cops

BRITISH SPY FOUND MURDERED: After He Hacked Into Data On Bill Clinton

BRITISH SPY FOUND MURDERED: After He Hacked Into Data On Bill Clinton

20 REASONS: Why Thomas Jefferson Would Have Hated Obama And Hillary

20 REASONS: Why Thomas Jefferson Would Have Hated Obama And Hillary

Kathleen Willey: Hillary ‘wrote the book on terrorizing women’

Kathleen Willey: Hillary ‘wrote the book on terrorizing women’

CARLY GETS CURBED: SHAMELESS Tactics By CNN Reveal the REAL “War on Women”

CARLY GETS CURBED: SHAMELESS Tactics By CNN Reveal the REAL “War on Women”

MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMBAT VET ASKS HISPANICS: ‘If You’re Not Proud Of America, Why Are You Here?’

MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMBAT VET ASKS HISPANICS: ‘If You’re Not Proud Of America, Why Are You Here?’

THE INVASION BEGINS: Obama Is Rolling Out the Red Carpet for Illegals

THE INVASION BEGINS: Obama Is Rolling Out the Red Carpet for Illegals

ALLEN WEST: Iran Is Giving America The Finger!

ALLEN WEST: Iran Is Giving America The Finger!

WINSTON CHURCHILL: Slams Islam (Now I Know Why Obama Doesn’t Like Churchill)

WINSTON CHURCHILL: Slams Islam (Now I Know Why Obama Doesn’t Like Churchill)

HERE’S THE BLACK IDIOT: Who Executed The White Deputy At A Gas Station In TX

HERE’S THE BLACK IDIOT: Who Executed The White Deputy At A Gas Station In TX

CONSPIRACY NUTS ARE SAYING: ‘Gay Black Man Didn’t Kill White Reporters On LiveTV’

CONSPIRACY NUTS ARE SAYING: ‘Gay Black Man Didn’t Kill White Reporters On LiveTV’

#COPSLIVESMATTER: (PICS) Massive Turn Out In TX Honoring The Deputy Executed By Black Man

#COPSLIVESMATTER: (PICS) Massive Turn Out In TX Honoring The Deputy Executed By Black Man

GAY BLACK DUDE: Kills Straight & White Journalists; Time To BAN GAY FLAG!

GAY BLACK DUDE: Kills Straight & White Journalists; Time To BAN GAY FLAG!

Disarm The Secret Service: SHERIFF CLARKE: Challenged Obama With Something That He Will Never Do

SHERIFF CLARKE: Challenged Obama With Something That He Will Never Do

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Detroit’s black rape gangs target couples

Detroit’s black rape gangs target couples

BRUTAL TRUTH: About Obama's 'Beautiful Religion' (Please Share With The Co-Existers) ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

BRUTAL TRUTH: About Obama's 'Beautiful Religion' (Please Share With The Co-Existers) ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

FINALLY: Governor Authorizes Arming Certain Military Personnel on Military Bases ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

FINALLY: Governor Authorizes Arming Certain Military Personnel on Military Bases ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

RECIDIVISM ACROSS THE BOARD! Illegal Immigrants, Domestic Crooks ... Politicians!

RECIDIVISM ACROSS THE BOARD! Illegal Immigrants, Domestic Crooks ... Politicians!

BARACK OBAMA'S 'BETTER IDEAS' SOLUTION--Sometime There Is a More Direct Option ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

BARACK OBAMA'S 'BETTER IDEAS' SOLUTION--Sometime There Is a More Direct Option ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

HOW ABOUT THIS: Tax Politicians, Not Gun Owners, Until They Stop Punishing the Good People ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

HOW ABOUT THIS: Tax Politicians, Not Gun Owners, Until They Stop Punishing the Good People ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

MARINE'S LAST TEXT: Girlfriend Shares Tragic Last Text From Boyfriend Killed By TN Terrorist ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

MARINE'S LAST TEXT: Girlfriend Shares Tragic Last Text From Boyfriend Killed By TN Terrorist ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

REELTalk: Wayne Simmons, Nagi Najjar & Michael Hausam 07/16 by Audrey Russo | Politics Conservative Podcasts

REELTalk: Wayne Simmons, Nagi Najjar & Michael Hausam 07/16 by Audrey Russo | Politics Conservative Podcasts

FORMER CIA AGENT: Obama Cut A Deal With A Country That Killed Thousands Of US Troops ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

FORMER CIA AGENT: Obama Cut A Deal With A Country That Killed Thousands Of US Troops ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

DEATH TOLL NOW FIVE: Sailor in Chattanooga Terrorist Attack Has Died ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

DEATH TOLL NOW FIVE: Sailor in Chattanooga Terrorist Attack Has Died ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

FRANKLIN GRAHAM: Calls For Drastic Measures Against 1.5 Billion Muslims ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

FRANKLIN GRAHAM: Calls For Drastic Measures Against 1.5 Billion Muslims ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

TRUMP APPEAL: Donald’s A Bad Ass And A Great Addition To The GOP Mix ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

TRUMP APPEAL: Donald’s A Bad Ass And A Great Addition To The GOP Mix ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

CHATTANOOGA: Is What Happens When You Don't Have the Balls to Name Your Enemy ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

CHATTANOOGA: Is What Happens When You Don't Have the Balls to Name Your Enemy ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

Rally supports Confederate flag - Statesville.com: News

Rally supports Confederate flag - Statesville.com: News

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Oh Good Grief!! Apparently Libs Have Run Out Of Flags To Denounce

Oh Good Grief!! Apparently Libs Have Run Out Of Flags To Denounce

Black Man kills 7 in New Jersey, and Pennsylvania | Media Silent

Black Man kills 7 in New Jersey, and Pennsylvania | Media Silent

The True Face of Political Correctness | 12 Things That Drive Conservatives NUTS!

The True Face of Political Correctness | 12 Things That Drive Conservatives NUTS!

Legal FIRESTORM Coming? Memphis City Council Better Read Their Own Laws Before Digging Up General

Legal FIRESTORM Coming? Memphis City Council Better Read Their Own Laws Before Digging Up General



HILLARY: Tries To Cover Her @ss After Protecting & Supporting Sanctuary Cities ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

HILLARY: Tries To Cover Her @ss After Protecting & Supporting Sanctuary Cities ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

WHITE DUDE BEATEN BY MOB OF 40 BLACKS: Cops Say, 'It's Not A Hate Crime' ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

WHITE DUDE BEATEN BY MOB OF 40 BLACKS: Cops Say, 'It's Not A Hate Crime' ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

REBEL YELL: Marion County, GA Reverses Ban, Raises Confederate Flag at Gov't Complex ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

REBEL YELL: Marion County, GA Reverses Ban, Raises Confederate Flag at Gov't Complex ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

12YR. OLD THUG: Charged with Murder in Drug-Related Shooting ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

12YR. OLD THUG: Charged with Murder in Drug-Related Shooting ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

LIBERAL CHICK: 'If Illegal Aliens Had Jobs, Felt Love, They Wouldn't Kill Women' ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

LIBERAL CHICK: 'If Illegal Aliens Had Jobs, Felt Love, They Wouldn't Kill Women' ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

CANDACE CAMERON: Just Handed The Hagfish On The View Their Backside On Gay Marriage ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

CANDACE CAMERON: Just Handed The Hagfish On The View Their Backside On Gay Marriage ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

OBAMA CUTS 40K TROOPS: While Michelle Drops $600k On This Crap ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

OBAMA CUTS 40K TROOPS: While Michelle Drops $600k On This Crap ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

Saturday, July 4, 2015

BLACK 12YR. OLD: Is The Target of Death Threats After Criticizing Obama ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

BLACK 12YR. OLD: Is The Target of Death Threats After Criticizing Obama ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

AY CARAMBA: What If Mexicans Celebrated 4th Of July Like Americans Celebrate Cinco De Mayo? ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

AY CARAMBA: What If Mexicans Celebrated 4th Of July Like Americans Celebrate Cinco De Mayo? ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

'FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMED': Fewer People Are ‘Extremely Proud’ to be American ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

'FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMED': Fewer People Are ‘Extremely Proud’ to be American ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

MALIA OBAMA: Is On The Set Of Sex-Saturated Show... Good Job, Barack ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

MALIA OBAMA: Is On The Set Of Sex-Saturated Show... Good Job, Barack ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

LIBERAL CHICK: ‘The 4th of Julie Represent White Supremecy and Women Hatred’

LIBERAL CHICK: ‘The 4th of Julie Represent White Supremecy and Women Hatred’

WE'RE THE BEST DAMN COUNTRY IN THE WORLD: Here's 8 Reasons Why America Rocks ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

WE'RE THE BEST DAMN COUNTRY IN THE WORLD: Here's 8 Reasons Why America Rocks ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

'Candidate Cribs' Shocks Young Voters | Truth Revolt

'Candidate Cribs' Shocks Young Voters | Truth Revolt

Sunday, June 28, 2015

WHY TEXAS ROCKS: You Need to Read Gov. Abbott's Statement On Today's SCOTUS Ruling ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

WHY TEXAS ROCKS: You Need to Read Gov. Abbott's Statement On Today's SCOTUS Ruling ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

LIAR-IN-CHIEF: Obama on Gay Marriage, 'If You Like Your Religion, You Can Keep Your Religion' ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

LIAR-IN-CHIEF: Obama on Gay Marriage, 'If You Like Your Religion, You Can Keep Your Religion' ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

HERE'S THE NEXT STEP: Look Who Else Wants 'Rights' Now After Gays ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

HERE'S THE NEXT STEP: Look Who Else Wants 'Rights' Now After Gays ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

Lawmaker: Congress can halt same-sex ‘marriage’ in tracks

Lawmaker: Congress can halt same-sex ‘marriage’ in tracks

New movie takes on ‘gay’ stereotypes about Bible

New movie takes on ‘gay’ stereotypes about Bible

Israeli official: Obama’s got Muslim Daddy issues

Israeli official: Obama’s got Muslim Daddy issues

IS THIS RACISM: Black Teens Brutally Beat White Mom Making Her Drop Baby On Its Head ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

IS THIS RACISM: Black Teens Brutally Beat White Mom Making Her Drop Baby On Its Head ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

UNREAL: What Katie Pavlich Saw TSA Do To a Veteran Amputee Will Enrage You ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

UNREAL: What Katie Pavlich Saw TSA Do To a Veteran Amputee Will Enrage You ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

HERE WE GO: CNN's Toobin, 'Not Legal for Scalia to Talk About Gay People Like He Used To' ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

HERE WE GO: CNN's Toobin, 'Not Legal for Scalia to Talk About Gay People Like He Used To' ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

CHARLIE DANIELS: Slams Race-Baiters Trying to Ban the Confederate Flag In This Screed ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

CHARLIE DANIELS: Slams Race-Baiters Trying to Ban the Confederate Flag In This Screed ⋆ Doug Giles ⋆ #ClashDaily

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Did ISIS give a clue about Jade Helm 15?

Did ISIS give a clue about Jade Helm 15?

Smoking-gun document said to prove Obama-Muslim Brotherhood ties

Smoking-gun document said to prove Obama-Muslim Brotherhood ties

President Obama Still Trying to Go it Alone on Gun Control

NRA-ILA | Rep. Steve Scalise Introduces Bill to Relax Restrictions on Interstate Firearm Sales

NRA-ILA | Rep. Steve Scalise Introduces Bill to Relax Restrictions on Interstate Firearm Sales

NRA-ILA | Legislation Proposes $60 Million for Anti-Gun Research

NRA-ILA | Legislation Proposes $60 Million for Anti-Gun Research

NRA-ILA | Obama's 'Unified Agenda' of Regulatory Objectives Causes Fear, Confusion

NRA-ILA | Obama's 'Unified Agenda' of Regulatory Objectives Causes Fear, Confusion

NRA-ILA | Fanciful 'Smart Gun' Bill Seeks to Make Law Out of Wishful Thinking

NRA-ILA | Fanciful 'Smart Gun' Bill Seeks to Make Law Out of Wishful Thinking

NRA-ILA | Elections Matter: Pro-Second Amendment House Stands Up for Your Rights in Funding Bill

NRA-ILA | Elections Matter: Pro-Second Amendment House Stands Up for Your Rights in Funding Bill

NRA-ILA | NRA-Backed Measures Aimed at Reversing Obama Administration's Implementation of Gun Control Through Executive Action

NRA-ILA | NRA-Backed Measures Aimed at Reversing Obama Administration's Implementation of Gun Control Through Executive Action

Constitution Violating Tyrant's Should Be Impeached: NRA-ILA | Stop Obama's Planned Gag Order on Firearm-Related Speech

NRA-ILA | Stop Obama's Planned Gag Order on Firearm-Related Speech

Sheriff Joe: Democrats using illegals for votes

Sheriff Joe: Democrats using illegals for votes

Thursday, May 21, 2015

RINO Leadership, Are Accessories To The Murder Of Our Constitution, Freedom: Conservatives Blame GOP Leaders For Not Stopping ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’

Conservatives Blame GOP Leaders For Not Stopping ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’

Democrat's Waging War On God, Trying To Destroy Christianity: Cruz: Democrats' Devotion to ‘Gay Marriage … Trumps Any Allegiance to Religious Liberty’

Cruz: Democrats' Devotion to ‘Gay Marriage … Trumps Any Allegiance to Religious Liberty’

Dems Importing More Democrat Voter's, Trying To Gain A Permanent Liberal Governing Majority: U.S. 'Prepared to Play a Leading Role' in Absorbing Muslim Refugees From Burma

U.S. 'Prepared to Play a Leading Role' in Absorbing Muslim Refugees From Burma

Listen Up Liberals, McConaughey Trying To Educate You: McConaughey to Grads: ‘Life’s Not Fair, It Never Was, It Won’t Ever Be,’ Don’t Fall Into ‘Entitlement Trap’

McConaughey to Grads: ‘Life’s Not Fair, It Never Was, It Won’t Ever Be,’ Don’t Fall Into ‘Entitlement Trap’

Democrat's Can't Report Felon Immigrant's, Their Potential Voter's: Rep. Lofgren: Reporting ‘Serious Felon’ Illegals to Federal Authorities Now 'Entirely' Voluntary

Rep. Lofgren: Reporting ‘Serious Felon’ Illegals to Federal Authorities Now 'Entirely' Voluntary

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Dems 'Race Baiting' Lorreta Lynch Hearings To Avoid Legitimate Issues, Expert Says | 94.5 WPTI

Dems 'Race Baiting' Lorreta Lynch Hearings To Avoid Legitimate Issues, Expert Says | 94.5 WPTI