Friday, June 20, 2014

Ex-CBS News star spills secrets on ‘right-wing nuts’

Ex-CBS News star spills secrets on ‘right-wing nuts’

Duck Dynasty Producer on Phil Robertson: He Treats Gay People ‘Like Family’ | CNS News

Duck Dynasty Producer on Phil Robertson: He Treats Gay People ‘Like Family’ | CNS News

EPA’s Energy Cost Prediction Akin to ‘If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Keep It’ | CNS News

EPA’s Energy Cost Prediction Akin to ‘If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Keep It’ | CNS News

11,004,507: Disability Beneficiaries Top 11 Million for First Time | CNS News

11,004,507: Disability Beneficiaries Top 11 Million for First Time | CNS News

Amen: Huelskamp: Final Goal of Gay ‘Marriage’ is to Destroy the Institution of Marriage | CNS News

Huelskamp: Final Goal of Gay ‘Marriage’ is to Destroy the Institution of Marriage | CNS News

Good,The Less The Better,For Freedom: Pelosi Complains: 'We're Doing Our Usual Nothing' | CNS News

Pelosi Complains: 'We're Doing Our Usual Nothing' | CNS News

Ringling Brother's Barnum And Bailey Circus, Must Be Running The White House: Inspector General: Suspected Terrorists Hired to Guard Consulate in Benghazi | CNS News

Inspector General: Suspected Terrorists Hired to Guard Consulate in Benghazi | CNS News

Amen,Tolerance For Me,But Not For Thee: Santorum: ‘Vast Majority’ of Gay Rights Movement Sees Religious Expression as ‘Purely Bigoted’ | CNS News

Santorum: ‘Vast Majority’ of Gay Rights Movement Sees Religious Expression as ‘Purely Bigoted’ | CNS News

Hillary The Gun And Freedom Grabber: Hillary Clinton: 'We Cannot Let a Minority of People...Hold a Viewpoint' Opposed to More Gun Control | CNS News

Hillary Clinton: 'We Cannot Let a Minority of People...Hold a Viewpoint' Opposed to More Gun Control | CNS News

White House Learned of Lerner's Crashed Hard Drive 6 Weeks Before Congress | CNS News

White House Learned of Lerner's Crashed Hard Drive 6 Weeks Before Congress | CNS News

Video: Real Talk with Julie Borowski: Stop the EPA's New Job Killing Rule!

BHO's Criminal Invasion: Close To 300 Women, Children Caught Along Texas-Mexico Border « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Close To 300 Women, Children Caught Along Texas-Mexico Border « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Amen: Sheriff Joe: "Obama's Dumping Of Illegal's Intentional": HUMPHRIES: Exclusive inteview with Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio - Washington Times

HUMPHRIES: Exclusive inteview with Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio - Washington Times

Friday, June 13, 2014

Federal Tax Revenues Set Record Through May; Feds Still Running $436B Deficit | CNS News

Federal Tax Revenues Set Record Through May; Feds Still Running $436B Deficit | CNS News

The 'Transgender Tipping Point' to Censorship | CNS News

The 'Transgender Tipping Point' to Censorship | CNS News

FLASHBACK—Obama: ‘We’re Leaving Behind a Sovereign, Stable and Self-Reliant Iraq’ | CNS News

FLASHBACK—Obama: ‘We’re Leaving Behind a Sovereign, Stable and Self-Reliant Iraq’ | CNS News

FLASHBACK—Obama: ‘We’re Leaving Behind a Sovereign, Stable and Self-Reliant Iraq’ | CNS News

FLASHBACK—Obama: ‘We’re Leaving Behind a Sovereign, Stable and Self-Reliant Iraq’ | CNS News

Bulls***: Jeh Johnson: Generous U.S. Social Services Not an Incentive for Children to Cross Into U.S. Illegally | CNS News

Jeh Johnson: Generous U.S. Social Services Not an Incentive for Children to Cross Into U.S. Illegally | CNS News

Obama Ramps Up America's Destruction | CNS News

Obama Ramps Up America's Destruction | CNS News

Veterans Administration Docs: If We Speak Up, We Become A Target | CNS News

Veterans Administration Docs: If We Speak Up, We Become A Target | CNS News

Gallup: Majority Says Obama Not ‘Honest and Trustworthy’ | CNS News

Gallup: Majority Says Obama Not ‘Honest and Trustworthy’ | CNS News

On Decision to Leave No Troops in Iraq, Hillary Clinton Points to Bush | CNS News

On Decision to Leave No Troops in Iraq, Hillary Clinton Points to Bush | CNS News

Too Bad We Can't, Won't, Fire BHO: McCain: Fire Obama's Entire National Security Team | CNS News

McCain: Fire Obama's Entire National Security Team | CNS News

Thanks To Cut And Run BHO: Iraq’s Vulnerable Christians Further Imperiled by Jihadist Advance | CNS News

Iraq’s Vulnerable Christians Further Imperiled by Jihadist Advance | CNS News

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

New 2nd Amendment Restriction's Through Executive Order,By BHO The Tyrant

Friend's, Stock Up On Gun's And Ammo Now, Word Is BHO The Tyrant, Planning Executive Order To Cut Off Bank Loan's, Funding , To Gun And Ammo Manufacturer's, And To Ban Certain Types Of Ammo.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

State Dep’t Thanks Qatar’s Emir for ‘Firm Commitment to Securing’ Freed Taliban Leaders | CNS News

State Dep’t Thanks Qatar’s Emir for ‘Firm Commitment to Securing’ Freed Taliban Leaders | CNS News

BHO Tyranny Growing By The Day: FDA Bans Wood from Cheese-Making; Industry Decries 'Devastating Development' | CNS News

FDA Bans Wood from Cheese-Making; Industry Decries 'Devastating Development' | CNS News

Idiot In Chief BHO Want's Money Too Deal With A Problem He Created: tWH Wants 'Just Over $2 Billion' From Taxpayers to House Children Crossing Into U.S. | CNS News

WH Wants 'Just Over $2 Billion' From Taxpayers to House Children Crossing Into U.S. | CNS News

Hillary Promised: No Release of Gitmo Detainees Without Prior Notice to Congress | CNS News

Hillary Promised: No Release of Gitmo Detainees Without Prior Notice to Congress | CNS News

23 GOPers, 55 Dems Confirm HHS Secretary Who Will Force Christians to Act Against Faith | CNS News

23 GOPers, 55 Dems Confirm HHS Secretary Who Will Force Christians to Act Against Faith | CNS News

State Dept.: Congress Was 'Fully Briefed' on 'Architecture' of Taliban Prisoner Release | CNS News

State Dept.: Congress Was 'Fully Briefed' on 'Architecture' of Taliban Prisoner Release | CNS News

Hundreds Of Illegal Immigrant Minors Sleeping On Plastic Boards, Rotating Through 4 Showers At Shelter « CBS Houston

Hundreds Of Illegal Immigrant Minors Sleeping On Plastic Boards, Rotating Through 4 Showers At Shelter « CBS Houston

Boo Hoo, Go Back Where You Came From,Criminal: Consul: Illegal Immigrant Children Complaining Burritos, Eggs They Are Being Fed Making Them Sick « CBS Houston

Consul: Illegal Immigrant Children Complaining Burritos, Eggs They Are Being Fed Making Them Sick « CBS Houston