Friday, May 9, 2014

Federal Common Core School Standard's (The Keep Kid's Stupid Curriculum), Destroys States Right's, And Grows The Fed Monster: Good Riddance: Common Core Backlash Claims New Political Casualties | CNS News

Good Riddance: Common Core Backlash Claims New Political Casualties | CNS News

Media Yawn at Hollywood Child Abuse | CNS News

Media Yawn at Hollywood Child Abuse | CNS News

Hurt's My Heart Too: Leona Lewis: Abortion of Down Syndrome Babies ‘Hurts My Heart’ | CNS News

Leona Lewis: Abortion of Down Syndrome Babies ‘Hurts My Heart’ | CNS News

U.S. Complains About U.N. Appointment to Which It Had ‘Agreed Without a Peep’ Hours Earlier | CNS News

U.S. Complains About U.N. Appointment to Which It Had ‘Agreed Without a Peep’ Hours Earlier | CNS News

Issa: 'How Much Pornography' Does it Take 'to Get Fired' at EPA? | CNS News

Issa: 'How Much Pornography' Does it Take 'to Get Fired' at EPA? | CNS News

Loony,Liberal Progressive's War On Babies, Opening A New Front On Churches: UN Urged to Tell Catholic Church it Has No Right to Oppose Abortion | CNS News

UN Urged to Tell Catholic Church it Has No Right to Oppose Abortion | CNS News

Time for states to use Constitution’s Article V

Time for states to use Constitution’s Article V