Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

Texas Lawmaker on Amnesty: ‘Republicans Will Never Win a Presidential Election Again’ | CNS News

Texas Lawmaker on Amnesty: ‘Republicans Will Never Win a Presidential Election Again’ | CNS News

Attorney General Eric Holder Is A Criminal, And Belongs In Jail: Judges: 'Law Provides Executive No Authority' to Cut Drug Sentences As Holder Did | CNS News

Judges: 'Law Provides Executive No Authority' to Cut Drug Sentences As Holder Did | CNS News

Obama has Proposed 442 Tax Hikes Since Taking Office | CNS News

Obama has Proposed 442 Tax Hikes Since Taking Office | CNS News

The United States War On Success, And Reditribution Of Wealth, Not Earned By, To, The Less Successful: $100K-Plus Salary Earners Pay 72% of Nation’s Share in Individual Federal Income Taxes | CNS News

$100K-Plus Salary Earners Pay 72% of Nation’s Share in Individual Federal Income Taxes | CNS News

The Democrat Party Started The Klu Klux Klan, Voted Against The Civil Right's Act, And Supported Slavery, What A Lying, Disgraceful Idiot: Congressman: 'Republican Base Does Have Elements Animated by Racism' | CNS News

Congressman: 'Republican Base Does Have Elements Animated by Racism' | CNS News

Mission Accomplished, Government Dependent's, Alleged Victim's = Democrat Voter's, What A Disgrace To This Great Country Democrat's, And RINO's Are: Food Stamp Recipients Outnumber Women Who Work Full-Time | CNS News

Food Stamp Recipients Outnumber Women Who Work Full-Time | CNS News

Fort Hood post mortem: Crisis in psych testing

Fort Hood post mortem: Crisis in psych testing