Sunday, March 30, 2014

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Proud Sucker: ‘Law is for suckers’! CNBC reporter slammed for asinine question about Obamacare extension

‘Law is for suckers’! CNBC reporter slammed for asinine question about Obamacare extension

Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat Charlotte NC Mayor Patrick Cannon, Arrested By FBI, Indicted By Grand Jury: ‘May I assume?’ Media reports about Charlotte, N.C. mayor’s arrest spark game of ‘name that party’

‘May I assume?’ Media reports about Charlotte, N.C. mayor’s arrest spark game of ‘name that party’

No ObamaCare At All, As In Completely Repealed, Even Better: No Insurance Is Better than Unapproved Insurance Under Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

No Insurance Is Better than Unapproved Insurance Under Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

BHO, Administration, Are Lawless Tryant's:HHS: We Lack 'Statutory Authority' to Extend Deadline to Sign Up for Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

Nice Try BHO. Us Informed Folk's Know Your Vote Buying ObamaCare Delay's Are Only Temporary, And That Higher Premium's And Deductible's, Long Waiting Period's To See A Doctor Or Specialist, Death Panel's, And Health Care Rationing Between Younger, Healthier Folk's, And Older, Unhealthy Folk's, Are Still The Law, And Coming Soon To A Doctor's Office, Or Hospital, Near Us:  HHS: We Lack 'Statutory Authority' to Extend Deadline to Sign Up for Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

Friday, March 14, 2014

The insane fantasies of the Marxist EPA laid low b...

Doug Ross @ Journal: The insane fantasies of the Marxist EPA laid low b...: But if the EPA can stop just one extra molecule of the deadly toxin known as carbon dioxide from escaping into the atmosphere, the destruct...